Thursday, 23 January 2014

Right Now

I'm ba-ack. I didn't know whether to do a big post about why I stopped blogging. I guess I don't really have an answer other than that life got overwhelming. Wedding + house hunting + finishing my degrees + graduate job hunting = no writing. Which made me miserable. I'd find myself constantly thinking I'd like to blog that, or I just want to get that out in writing. You know, because writing is super therapeutic and someone cathartic for someone like me. But instead of writing a big teary post about coming back to this blog that I love, I thought I'd jump right back in as if I'd never left. HA.

Reading: A Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd. I know that everyone was reading this one five years ago, but I went to the Lifeline Bookfest and picked it up... and now I can't put it down! Aside from that, I've just been reading tech-y blogs that are making my head spin (anyone get their head around Google's new SEO algorithms? Anyone?) and home decorating magazines. On my list for books to buy, Clean Living - Luke Hines & Scott Gooding and Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life - Dani Shapiro.

Watching: I'm excited about My Kitchen Rules starting on Monday. Is that dorky? I feel like it is. I can't wait to sit down and watch it with my family! We all love it, including all the cheesy drama between the contestants.

Listening: Wade bought the HAIM album from iTunes last week and we've been playing it on repeat ever since. It's pretty awesome. He also bought a couple of the songs off the Walter Mitty soundtrack after we saw the movie. The soundtrack is a bit of a Jose Gonzales tribute, but I'm not complaining.

Doing: I've shifted roles at Photo Continental, so now I'm working more on the tech side of the business than the creative side. It makes me a bit sad that my life won't be immersed in craft anymore, but I get to do other creative things seeing as my role is in online marketing. I've had to brush up on my HTML and CSS knowledge a lot more than I ever expected (I'm redesigning the website - eek!) but I think it's going to be a good change. Also, I have the urge to do creative things when I get home, seeing as I'm not getting my fix at work anymore, which is nice.

Loving: Our new apartment! I've been waiting for a space that I could decorate and make our own and now I finally have my blank canvas - yay! Pinterest has been my friend in figuring out what I want to do with it, and today I showed Wade my apartment pinboard (which you can see here). I've been feverishly researching indoor plants for the living room, kitchen and bathroom. For some reason I have a vision of picking fresh basil from a pot in the kitchen as I cook. I can't wait to finish and do a little reveal! (Side note: how awesome are indoor palms?)

- Heather