Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Last First Day

On Monday, I had my last first day of school - ever! While I was daydreaming paying very close attention in one of my lectures, I was thinking about my very first day of university. Obviously I can't remember my first day ever of school - according to my dad, there were lots of tears. But I can remember driving my very unreliable little white car to the bus station, then catching the bus with an armload of textbooks to my very first day of uni. Wade snapped this picture on one of my first days of uni to remember it - I can't remember if it was my very first day, but it was definitely in that first week. Gotta love his artistic angles!

When I got to uni, my first ever class was a web design lecture. Not even kidding when I say that I felt like this, when I pulled out a notebook amongst the rows and rows of shiny, white Macbooks.

I remember the lecturer telling the class that just because we were adept at coding (uh, WHAT?), or had our own web design business (uh, NOT) that this class would still be a challenge. He then told everyone to open up Notepad++, or whatever source code editor we used, as a reference. I felt so incredibly out of my depth, and just wanted to go home. Unfortunately I still had the rest of the day ahead of me.

Now, I look back to four years ago and think of myself trying to scribble down code in a notebook and trying not to hyperventilate and I'm laughing. You know the old saying, This too shall pass? I passed that course. Actually I got a distinction for it. So now, four years later and trying not to hyperventilate about everything I have ahead of me, I can keep thinking This too shall pass. Life goes on. One more Semester to go.

- H

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