Wednesday 10 July 2013

Searching for our Photographer

When Wade and I sat down to work out our wedding budget, we decided that more than anything, we wanted to have an amazing photographer shoot our wedding. We also wanted to have our reception in a gorgeous location with amazing food. Those were our top three priorities: photographer, location, food. I don't claim to be much of an expert at all when it comes to photography, but after being surrounded by photographers since I started working at Photo Continental I knew a little bit about what I wanted in our wedding photography. 

And so we started our quest. Verbalizing what I wanted was by far the trickiest part of the search. Basically what it came down to was that I wanted the photos to look like a perfect, real moment. That's a very vague concept I know. I figured out that I wanted pictures that looked like the photographer had snapped them and not edited them at all - but were still breathtaking. Therefore, I ruled out any photography that looked like the photographer went to town on Photoshop. Wade simply wanted a photographer that made him feel comfortable in front of the camera - if that was possible.

We started trawling blogs and asking for recommendations from friends and other photographers. And that's when we stumbled across Scott from Dawes Photography. Browsing through his images, I felt like I was looking at a series of captured moments - every one of them perfect and breathtaking. And after an initial Skype chat (until recently he was based in California) we were sold. For a while there I wasn't sure if we would find the perfect photographer who made us feel completely comfortable and took amazing pictures. But we did! Check him out if you're getting married soon. You won't be disappointed, I promise!

- H

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