Saturday 4 May 2013

Broken Camera

I'm being a little bit of a baby right now, I know... but my camera was one of my most prized possessions, and it's broken! I don't think anyone else understands why I had a bit of a cry today when I discovered that the inside of the lens had become dislodged. I mean, the camera is still under warranty, and should - hopefully - be fixed for free. But I have to go six to eight weeks without it! And because it's my very first camera, I treat it like a baby. I take it with me most places and I treat it with the utmost care. I had a bit of a crazy-woman moment just now when I posted a status on Facebook about it and tagged every single one of the camera sales people from work that I am "friends" with. Some were reassuring, some told me to get a new camera.


Now I'm off to see my brother perform in a musical - yes, you heard me correctly... a musical! - called The Pyjama Game. I would never in a million years have imagined my brother to be in a musical, so I'm really looking forward to it.

If I can get my mind off my camera. *Sniffle*

- H

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