Sunday, 9 June 2013


Reading: Textbooks, textbooks, and... oh yeah, more textbooks. It's exam time, if you hadn't guessed and I'm elbow-deep in post-feminist theory and English Lit criticism at the moment. Fun.

Watching: Firefly with my dad. Wade is a bit of a geek, and loves this show - as in, he would contribute to a Kickstarter project to create a second season, or another feature film a la Veronica Mars - so my dad, who is also a bit of a geek bought it and we are now watching it. As in, right now, I am blogging, watching Firefly and have a textbook open next to me. My dad is loving it, I can tell. I mean, the man owns whole seasons of Battlestar Galactica.

Listening: The Hamish and Andy Podcast. I don't know what it is about these guys, but I think they're absolutely hilarious! Nothing better than kicking back and listening to twenty minutes of hilarity in between study sessions.

Loving: French bulldog puppies. Random, yes? Wade promised me that once we buy a place to live I can get a fur-baby, so I've been researching dogs. Growing up, we had Max and our next door neighbors had Pip - the two best dogs in the world. Pip was a mutt, and I guess Max was too (he was supposed to be a Jack Russell, but he's definitely not!) I love dogs, and I think I want a French Bulldog, but a few minutes ago, I showed Wade this picture, and he said, That is the ugliest dog I've ever seen. So maybe not.

via Life is Beautiful
Not loving: I'm going to add this category because I'd just like to say death to mall kiosks! Those people trying to grab you and sell you moisturizers and hair straighteners and make you sign petitions about things you don't believe in. Usually my tactic is to ignore them, but just recently I got totally cussed out by one guy for saying, "no, thank you". I feel like everyone is equally annoyed by them, and it makes me not want to try their products because of how annoying the kiosk people are - I'm looking at you Dead Sea Minerals. If everybody just walked on by, rather than responding when one of the sleazy guys said, "hello gorgeous, can I interest you in a free sample?" then maybe malls could get rid of them for good. /end rant/

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