Sunday, 9 June 2013

I think I'll move to Sydney

As you might know, I love French food. I have three French cookbooks (untouched), and love going to the different French restaurants and French patisseries around Brisbane. So when I heard about this gorgeous little French cafe in Sydney - and their ingenious marketing scheme - I just about cried.

Because, you see, they are letting their customers pay for their coffee with... wait for it... a kiss! How perfectly Parisian. Their Facebook page states, "We're not accepting your money, just your kisses." Basically, for the month of June from 9 - 11am, customers are given the option of kissing for their coffee - but, the promo video says, it has to be a real kiss ... a true kiss.

"I can see if it's a fake kiss," the waiter teases. "I'm kind of an expert." What do you think? Is the concept bring romance back? Would you kiss for your coffee? I've already informed Wade that a trip to Sydney within the next couple of weeks is in order!

- H

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